Rising for freedom...
After centuries of turkish tyranny and enslaving, Orthodox peoples
have raised for freedom. Greeks and all Orthodox nations will always
remember Ρήγας Φεραίος and his idea of liberation of all Byzantine
peoples - in Balkan, Little Asia, Palestine, Syria, Caucasus,
Cyprus, Crete, and all around the globe. That idea was universal. Together,
and only together Orthodox peoples could get their freedom. Hence, we
must recall to this date and celebrate it as panorthodox holiday, because
idea of freedom is still actual : Cyprus, Smyrna region, Little Armenia,
Constantinoples, Kapadokia, Palestine, Upper Epirus, Bosnia, Caucasus,
and many more regions are still screaming for freedom.
We wish You happy holiday!
This holiday is celebrated all around the world by Greeks.
In Greece, it is also school holiday.
Greek National Song
| Εθνικός