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1280-1326 Osman I
1326-62 Orhan
1362-89 Murad I
1389-1402 Bayazid I, the Thunderbolt
1402-03 Isa
1402-11 Suleyman
1409-13 Mesa
1413-21 Muhammad I
1421-44 Murad II *
1444-46 Muhammad II (the Conqueror)
1446-51 Murad II
1451-81 Muhmmad II (the Conqueror)
1481-1512 Bayazid II
1512-20 Selim I (the Grim)
1520-66 Suleyman I (the magnificent)
1566-74 Selim II (the Sot)
1574-95 Murad III
1595-1603 Muhammad III
1603-17 Ahmed I
1617-18 Mustafa I
1618-22 Osman II
1622-23 Mustafa I
1623-40 Murad IV
1640-48 Ibrahim
1648-87 Muhammad IV
1687-91 Suleyman II
1691-95 Ahmed II
1695-1703 Mustafa II
1703-30 Ahmed III
1730-54 Mahmud I
1754-57 Osman III
1757-74 Mustafa III
1774-89 Abd al-Hamid I
1789-1807 Selim III
1807-08 Mustafa IV
1808-39 Mahmud II
1839-61 Abd al-Madjid
1861-76 Abdulaziz
1876 Murad V
1876-1909 Abd al-Hamid II
1909-18 Muhammad V
1918-22 Muhammad VI
The Ottoman Empire grew from the conquests of a Turkish Muslim warrior named Osman. The House of Osman, whose rulers were known as sultans (a Muslim sovereign), ruled in dynastic succession until 1922. In that year the Ottoman Empire was formally abolished; in the following year the Republic of Turkey was created.
Reign Sultan
* Murad II abdicated in favor of his son Muhammad II, but returned to the throne to defeat a threat by a European army.

Byzantium in captivity and terror..

turkish rulers Neobyzantine Movement -Νεορωμαϊκό Κίνημα ©, email:, updated: 31 March, 2004
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