Αγιος Νικόλαος
Agios Nikolaos (Saint Nikolaos) of Myras (theme of Lykia, Little Asia) was the only son of his grateful and rich parents, Theofanos and Nona, citizens of Patter, in Lykia. As their only son, given by God, they dedicated him to God, and gave him to God as return gift. Ag Nikolaos was learned to spiritual life at his uncle, episkopos (bishop) Ag Nikolaos of Patara, and there he became a
monk at monastery "New Cyon", that has been found by his uncle. After his parents died, Ag Nikolaos gave all of his properties to poor people. As a priest at Patara, he became famous of his charity, though he was been trying to hide it, as he had remembered the words: "let
not your left hand know what the right one is doing"(Mat 6,3). When he gave himself to isolation, a voice came to him from Above: "Nikolae, go to people , if you want to be glorified by Me". Soon after, and by God's Providence he was elected to archbishop of Myras of Lykia. Merciful,
wise, fearless, Ag Nikolaos was a true shepherd to his flock. At time of hunting of Christians, during Diocletian and Maximilian, he was thrown to jail and there he had educated people the power of Lord. He participated the First Ecumenical Council at Nicaea
(read on the seven Ecoumenical Councils here), and serving the Truth he had blown heretic Aries. Because of that,
he was set away from Council and his duty. But, to some of them, Christ and Panagia have spoken in a dream, and have had told them of their blessing of Nikolaos. The protector of God's Truth this saint has been a protector of people as well. Twice he saved three person of death. Kind, truthful, righteous, he visited the people as an angel. During His lifetime, the people considered him of saint and have asked his help in their prayers. And he helped them no mater how far the prayer came from. His face shined
the light of Moses. Bare appearance of him was bringing peace, still and
good will among people.
He left this world in 343., on the 6th of December.
'Αγιε Νικόλαε, Προτάστευε ειμάς!
St Nikolaos, protect us!