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Financial problems

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The decline of the fleet Up till the end of the llth century, the fleet was financed in certain areas by the levying of a special tax ("the naval service") which by the be­ginning of the 12th century was con­sidered unnecessary. Further money came from the imperial vestiarios at times when ships had to be built and equipped and crew paid. Thus the empire's naval power gradually went into decline. The Venetians and the Genoese, who at times assisted the Byzantine fleet in exchange for com­mercial privileges, finally ended up pushing it aside and controlling the entire Mediterranean.


The fleet's finances were regulated by the Secreton tou ploimou or by the parathalassites or by the Secreton of the Sea which mostly looked after the affairs of the merchant fleet.

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Byzantine Naval Power Neobyzantine Movement -Νεορωμαϊκό Κίνημα ©, email:, updated: 31 March, 2004
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