Images of Albanian organised terror on Serbs in Kosovo
Images of organised ethnical cleansing in Kosovo
Map of destruction: it could be seen that the terror was widespread and well organised since every single Serbian ghetto was attacked, the inhabitants killed or tortured, and their houses and Holy Monasteries and Churches destroyed. After that, the remainings of churches and monasteries were taken away and an area was flattened with bulldozers.
Even mothers with just borned babies were attacked and had to run for their lives.
In an ancient Serbian town of Prizren, absolutely everything Serbian was destroyed. Among other buildings, five Holy Places that belonged to the World Heritage were burnt to ashes: Богородица Љевишка (church built in the 11th century and renewed in the 13th by Serbian King Milutin)
Youong Albanian girl at the destoyed Monastery of Holy Apostles in Prizren. Above her is an encription : "DEATH TO SERBS"
BEFORE : Monastery of Holy Apostles, Prizren.
TODAY : Monastery of Holy Apostles, Prizren.
The Albanians of Prizren are still having a party in the body of the destroyed main church.
The mob is destroying and pillaging the church in Prizren.
Serbs are without their homes, without their Churches, without freedom.
More than 300,000 Serbs were driven from their land since 1999 and the beginning of Albanian terror on Serbs under NATO protection.
Is this an image of multi-ethnical Kosovo of the 21st century?