Statute of the Neobyzantine Movement
- Neobyzantine Movement is an organisation of individuals
and groups who share an idea of Unionism of all the nations and
peoples, races and groups of individuals, under the Christian,
Orthodox Faith or common cultural legacy of the Byzantine Empire
and civilisation, as described in the Program
of the Neobyzantine Movement.
- Neobyzantine Movement supports equal treatment to all
the nations and races, as well as inseparable rights of freedom
of these peoples to their culture and cultural development. The
Movement will accept individuals of non-Orthodox and non-Byzantine
origin if they have strong pro-Byzantine feelings.
- Neobyzantine Movement is consisted of individuals and
groups, organised throughout the world, with regional and local
chapters, which are united in the single body under:
- the Local Branch (LB)
(of manucipalities like towns, cities), which are grouped
into :
- the Regional Branch (RB)
(larger groups with common language and other cultural characteristics)
- the Supreme Council (SC)
that is consisted of:
- the Representatives of Regional Branches
- the Supreme Body of the Council (the standing
part consisted of founders and honourable members)
Each Local Branch is represented with the Local Council,
which is consisted of the honourable Members and founders of the
particular Branch, and the elected body of at least 5 members,
with the 6 months mandate.
Each Regional Branch is represented with the Regional Council,
which is consisted of the honourable Members and founders of the
particular Branch, and the elected body of at least 8 members,
with the one year mandate. The elected body and founders could
be represented with the same person.
- Member of the Neobyzantine Movement could be any person,
regardless of gender, nationality or race, more than 16 years
old (Youth member),
and more than 21 years old (senior member). Every new candidate
must swear an oath to the Membership Representative of the Council
Local, Regional or Supreme), and show by life all the stigmas
of an Oath of the new Member of the Neobyzantine
Each member must be an example to other members - how to behave,
how to help the 'brother' in need.
Each member of the Movement should response to every action and
call from the MRoC
, or to inform him of the impossibility to attend the action,
Each member could give personal opinion or advice on any problem
related with the Movement either to his RoC
or directly to Local, Regional or Supreme Council of the Movement.
Any person that is a member of an organisation that is fighting
against the ideas of pan-Byzantine Unity or against Orthodox Christian,
Eastern Christian or Christian faith in general, could not become
member of the Neobyzantine Movement. Members of other organisations
that are declared as terrorist, fundamentalist, extreme right
or communist, cannot become members of the Neobyzantine Movement.
- Each Local Council should elect at least 1 and maximum 3 Representatives
to the respective Regional Council, with the one year mandate.
The Regional Branch selects Representatives as delegates to the
Supreme Body of the Council, with the mandate of two years, to
represent their Branches and views. Each Regional Branch should
delegate at least 1 Representative to the Supreme Body, and the
most 1 Representative from each Councils of the Branch.
- Each Local Branch (LB) of the NBM should have these
minimum of functions that are being operated by the LC:
- Founder(s)
- Chairman
- the Co-chairman
- Financial officer
- Officer of the Public Relations and cooperation with other
- Technical and Administrative Officer
- Security Officer
- Membership Representative of the Council (MRoC)
Each function is electional and has the mandate of 1 year. The
person could be nominated for the election if is a member of the
Movement for more than 1 year. Before that, all the functions
of the LC should be operated by the founders of the LB for 18
months after the creation the most.
One person could be elected for 2 positions in the Council the
most. The same person could be elected to the position in the
Council for three continual mandates the most.
- Each Regional Branch (RB) of the NBM should have these
minimum of functions that are being operated by the RC:
- Founder(s)
- Chairman
- Secretary
- Financial officer
- Officer of the Public Relations and Information
- Officer for cooperation
- Technical and Administrative Officer
- Security and Defence Officer
- Secretary of the Religious, educational and humanitarian
- Membership Representative of the Council (MRoC)
Each function is electional and has the 2 years mandate. The person
could be nominated for the election if is a member of the Movement
for more than 2 years. Before that, all the functions of the RC
should be operated by the founders of the RB for 24 months after
the creation the most.
One person could be elected for 2 positions in the Council the
most, except for the function of Chairman of the Council which
could not be divided with any other function in the Regional Council.
The same person could be elected to the position in the Council
for three continual mandates the most.
- Each Branch of the Movement (Local and Regional) should send
annual reports to each other under the same higher-rank Branch
(i.e. the LB should make contacts with other Branches in the same
Region, and so should RB conctact each other). In the case of
an emergency, LBs of different Regions could work and operate
together, eather by merging on the temporary basis or cooperating
until the state of an emergency is over.
- If a member of the Neobyzantine Movement does not show active
interest to the cause of the Movement or the Neobyzantine Idea,
the RoC should present the case to the Council which should decide
on further membership status of that person. The Council should
inform the person of their decision, no more than 3 days after
the meeting on the very one subject.
Member of the NBM could send an appeal on the work of the RoC
of the appropriate Council to any higher-rank Council of the Movement,
in written form or electronically. The informed Council should
response to the appeal less than 14 days after the receiving the
appeal. Otherwise, the Supreme Council should consider the appeal
and respond to it in less than 21 days after the initial 14 days
after the receiving (i.e. in less than 35 days after the appeal
was received from the member).
- In cities, regions, and states where the membership is not sufficient
to form Local nor Regional Branches, special form of organising
will take place under the person, the Special Commissioner
who will manage and conduct the activites of the Movement in their
regions. They will gradually form Local and Regional Branches
and contact members of the Movement under their National or language