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Announcement on the problem of Albanian expansionistic ideas

Albanian government constantly supports terrorism and violence to neighbouring states and nations

Read more on the history of the problem >

UN Resolution 1244 on Kosovo >

From the days of creation of Albania in the 1920-ties, the very one country has shown dramatic efforts in sabotage, terrorism, crushing of civil rights on its territories and in the all neighboring countries as well. That didn't happened during regime of some particular government in Albania, but with every party, every ruler, and every regime ideology whether it was monarchy, nazism, communism, or anarchy.

Today, albanian government stands in close connection with albanian terrorist groups in neighboring countries, and provides logistical help and bases for training of those terrorists. The main goal of these groups is to create chaos in the Balkans by "providing peace" by creating "Great Albania" and cutting all the main transportation and economical routes through Balkan peninsula.

Those actions must be stopped, it must be said that Albania itself will be accused for further support of terrorism and drug smuggling. What's more important, all of the actions of albanian Mafia is located on the same area in which albanian terrorists do operate. It means that albanian drug Mafia along with the albanian government controls and commands terrorist actions in neighboring countries. These actions could not be recognized as "fight for freedom" because the albanian minorities in those states had got all the freedom in practice, and had even used it in a bad spite to ruin those states!

Albanian terrorists from UCK, ONA, ANA, UCMBP and other groups must be punished for terrorist crimes, killing of innocent civilians in Kosovo, where around 3 000 Serbs were killed from 1998 till 2001, ( from 1941 till 1960 ies around 5 000 Serbs were killed by albanian terrorists under Nazi command in Kosovo, and around 4 000 Serbs were killed from 1970 ies ).

In the 1989, More than 25 000 Serbs were driven from their homes around Skadar, in the present day Albania, and no one said nothing to stop that crime.

In the 1998 and 1999, Albanian terrorists have gained USA help including NATO bombing of Yugoslavia. Those actions have been made for "humanitarian reasons" and to "protect Albanians" although albanian terrorist groups have been killing innocent Serbs in Kosovo. An excuse that the army of Slobodan Milosevic was doing harm to Albanians cannot be excepted to do another, even worst terror against Orthodox people in the Serbian province of Kosovo and in FYR Macedonia. Terrorism and killing of Orthodox civilians were compared with the fight against terrorists murders.

What's more interesting, many Muslim fundamentalists from Middle East came to Kosovo, and were members of UCK. Even Usama Bin Laden, famous terrorist leader, came to Albania himself to command some of the actions. That happened almost in front of eyes of USA soldiers in Albania.

Today, albanian terrorist leaders are fighting for albanian Kosovo, and for "Greater Albania". They even expressed their will to fight for Epirus, northern Greece province. Unfortunately, albanian terrorists are in favor of USA and EU although they are murders. This situation has to be stopped at once. Thousands of Serbs, Macedonians and other Orthodox people cannot return to their homes, tens of thousands were killed or "missing", and it's known who is directly responsible for that.

This is an official appeal for action against terrorism and killing. The Balkan has to be stable region, place without killings. That's why it should be the place cleaned off terrorism. That's why albanian terrorist should be driven from the Serbian province of Kosovo and FYR Macedonia. Balkan has to be united, not separated!


Read more on the history of the problem >



Albanian terrorism Neobyzantine Movement -Νεορωμαϊκό Κίνημα ©, email:, updated: 2 March, 2004
NBWS stands for the Neobyzantine Web Site - an official web site of the Neobyzantine Movement © since 1997